Succeeding in the FRCR Part 1 Exam (Physics Module) : Essential practice MCQs with detailed explanations

Pervinder Bhogal; Harbir Sidhu; Thomas Conner
Do you want to pass the FRCR Part 1 Physics Exam first time and with a high score? Are you looking for a comprehensive FRCR Part 1 Physics revision guide that is up-to-date and covers the syllabus? Succeeding in the FRCR Part 1 Physics Exam is an essential part of progressing through radiology training. This comprehensive revision guide is the most up-to-date available and covers the entire syllabus through detailed revision notes and practice MCQs. Written by doctors who have successfully passed the FRCR Part 1 Exam, this book is packed with detailed advice including topics that candidates consistently struggle with. This clear and time-saving FRCR Part 1 Exam revision guide comprises over 200 stem questions = 1000 MCQs, provides detailed advice on how best to approach each section of the exam and maximise your score. It offers detailed explanations of the answers with advice from doctors who have successfully passed the exam, covers all possible question types that will be encountered within the physics component and includes questions and revision notes on the newly incorporated MRI and Ultrasound topics. This easy to use guide will enable you to prepare fully for the FRCR Part 1, and is an essential revision book for anyone serious about excelling in this exam. It will also be invaluable to radiologists sitting the FRCR Part 2b; Foundation Year doctors interested in applying for radiology; trainee radiographers; and radiologists in training outside the UK.


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Note: Only Radiology member can download this ebook. Learn more here! 

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