Broken Bones : The Radiologic Atlas of Fractures and Dislocations, 2nd Edition

Felix S. Chew


Broken Bones contains 434 individual cases and 1,101 radiologic images illustrating the typical and less typical appearances of fractures and dislocations throughout the body. The first chapter describes fractures and dislocations of the fingers, starting with fractures of the phalangeal tufts and progressing through the distal, middle, and proximal phalanges and the DIP and PIP joints. Subsequent chapters cover the metacarpals, the carpal bones, the radius and ulna, the elbow and upper arm, and the shoulder and thoracic cage. The cervical spine and the thoracic and lumbosacral spine are covered in separate chapters, followed by the pelvis, the femur, the knee and lower leg, the ankle, the tarsal bones, and the metatarsals and toes. The final three chapters cover the face, fractures and dislocations in children, and fractures and dislocations caused by bullets and nonmilitary more


Note: Only Radiology member can download this ebook. Learn more here! 

4 thoughts on “Broken Bones : The Radiologic Atlas of Fractures and Dislocations, 2nd Edition

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